intercosmic: situated between, among, & with the planets or stars
intercosmic coaching: working with the planets, depth psychology, feminine mystery teachings, & your personal story as guides in a long term container to connect to your innate Wholeness.
Hello Love,
I feel thrilled that you are here.
I am curious…
Do you often wake with despair or a heaviness that is hard to place?
As a child, did you have an inner knowing that you were here for a specific purpose?
Is it difficult for you to access your center?
Have you tried all of the things to help you feel better & heal, only to find the same wounds repeating?
Do you feel like you really know Who You Are?
Do you have access to a safe space inside of your body?
Do you have a cyclical map to follow?
Intercosmic Coaching is born.
I created this offering because I wish it was something I would have had on my Journey of coming home to mySelf. & because there has been a desire for a way to work with me in more of a long-term container.
Over the past few years of giving astrological readings, I have felt there to be a missing piece. We can talk all day about what the planets are co-creating with us but until you have a connection with Your Innate Wholeness, what I like to call the “I AM” that lives inside your body, astrology stays heady & it feels impossible to embody.
In 2022, right at the close of my Saturn Return, I was taken into an even deeper initiation than I could have ever expected. My marriage dissolved, I had $500 to my name, & my deepest fear of being left alone became my reality. For a few weeks there, I wished I was dead instead. The excruciating agony of my day to day was more than I thought I could ever bare. It was right around this time that, Life graced me & I fell into a Womb Wisdom Initiation Coaching container with my soul sister, Emie Kay Locke.
The Initiation into the feminine mystery teachings I received in that space are the ground that these new Coaching sessions are built upon.
These coaching sessions are a Left Hand Path Feminine Mystery Journey instead of a Right Hand Path Linear Journey. Simply put this means, instead of seeing your life as a problem to be fixed by a linear logical ascension model where you are constantly climbing a ladder, attempting to reach some perfected state or enlightenment, it is choosing to drop deeper & learning to clock time in a space inside of you called, The I Am. The I Am is your Spirit, your Wholeness, it is the part of you that can never be broken, that travels through lifetimes & timelines, growing & evolving…becoming Human…bringing Spirit into Matter. It is a journey of Embodying your Soul in all of the Truth, Freedom, & Love that you are & have always been.
I have absolutely nothing against the Right Hand Path methodology. In fact, different forms of it have been very healing for me in my journey. What happened was I got tired of seeing my Life as a problem that I needed to fix…I would “fix” one part of me only to find it replaced with another part of me to “heal” over & over again. Of course, our entire incarnation is a healing journey in & of itself. Yet it has become vital for me to understand that while I am healing, it is not with the goal of reaching perfection or enlightenment. Instead, it is with the goal to Know MySelf & to know my Truth & to allow my Soul Truth to be what leads me. Slowing Down, Dropping into my Womb, Building a relationship with Her, Allowing whatever is there to be there, Holding it all in my own Loving Awareness, then Practicing Bringing that Truth out & into the World when it is Alive to do so. This process has looked WAY more like a descension of my Spirit into homecoming with my Body rather than an ascension to leave my body & reach enlightenment.
You can think of these sessions as astrological counseling or coaching. I will bring the gifts I have gleaned from my years studying depth psychology, with the magical teaching from the Womb Wisdom Initiation with Emie & blend them with what the Living Sky is activating in your present moment journey. We will co-create this space specifically for YOU. Weaving your story, with myth, with depth-psychology, with Womb Wisdom teachings/phrases, & with the Cosmos. All with the intention of You coming home to You. Softness, flow, & ease, even in the most painful of portals. But don’t just take my word for it. Test it! See if it is true for you.
I believe in my bones that this is the medicine for these lifetimes. Over these next few years, as many things we’ve built our lives on continue to crumble, having connection to your I Am is the anchor. It is nothing short of miraculous, what having access to this space inside of you will do. I would be deeply honoured to See you, Hear you, & Hold Space for you… for such a time as this.
Are you feeling the resonance?
I invite you schedule a FREE 15 minute call with me to feel into if this coaching space is your next step?
The magic of 3…
These Intercosmic Coaching sessions come in packages of 3 to begin.
If you desire more than 3 sessions (I get it. I spent 9 months - 27 sessions - gestating in a container like this), please schedule as many as you feel call to you.
You have two options for scheduling & payment.
-3, 60 minute sessions, once a week for 3 weeks or once a month for 3 months, your choice!
-$333 TOTAL
-Note: if you want to do more than 3 sessions, simply schedule the amount that you desire, & pay in full. (If paid in full, sessions are $111 each)
-3, 60 minute sessions, once a week for 3 weeks or once a month for 3 months, your choice! paid one at a time.
-$390 TOTAL
-Note: if you want to do more than 3 sessions, simply schedule the amount that you desire, & pay in payments. (If paid in payments, sessions are $130 each). Payment due on the day of each session.
"The things that beings reclaim are often their own voice, their own values, their imagination, their clarvoyance, their stories, their ancient memories. If we go for the deeper, and the darker, and the less known, we will touch the bones."
-Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estès
"The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door."
-Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estès
© Copyright 2024
Sequim, WA
Port Townsend, WA
IG @erinlindsey.life